Welcome to
ESRM 329
Environmental Law & Policy
N.B., This online syllabus version accompanies an online asynchronous iteration of this course, which has since transitioned back to in-person.
Just as the environment surrounds us and constantly evolves, the laws and policies for managing the environment also permeate our society and are ever-changing.
Laws—and the processes that shape laws—are complex and can seem inaccessible, but they are not...
Our system, imperfect though it is, works best when WE PARTICIPATE!
The Goal of this course is to EMPOWER YOU to participate and become a more effective advocate for the issues you care about.
To complete this online, asynchronous course, you will work through about eight 2-week modules in Canvas. Taken together, these will give you a broad introduction to both the major environmental policies that shape our interactions with the earth around us and also the processes that shape those policies. Along the way, you will plan, research, write, and record “public testimony” on an environmental issue of your choosing (your "Engagement Project")—testimony like this is a critical communication format in real-world decision making.
This is not a course about memorizing stuff and there is no textbook; this is a course about improving your ability to understand and engage with the system that shapes the issues and communities that matter to you.
Participate Fully by involving yourself in the work and Engaging With Your Colleagues and by Turning Work In On Time. (Students who do this consistently throughout the semester always earn good grades!)
Use Your Resources, including me, each other, and the support and materials in the course and syllabus.
Pace Yourself through the contents of the course and Ask For Support when you need it.
Ask me! My goal is to make sure you have what you need to succeed in this course.
dan (dot) reineman (at) csuci (dot) edu
Email or Canvas messages are the best way to connect and I can usually respond within 1-2 work days. You can also post questions to the Course Q&A Forum in Canvas.
I hold office hours on Monday mid-morning and Thursday afternoon. To make an appointment, follow the link in Canvas or else shoot me an email if those times don't work for you.
My name is Dan Reineman and I am a real person. Students call me "Doc," which is easier to spell and pronounce than my name! You can learn more about me and what I study on this website. Check out the research I do on Coastal Access Equity and Wave Resources!
Other support options at CSUCI include:
CI's Canvas Support for students is specific for Canvas; general Technical Assistance is available from the CSUCI Solution Center.
Academic Advising provides lots of services to undergraduate students as do CI's Tutoring Centers for ESRM and other disciplines.
Writing Resources and Assistance from CI's Writing & Multiliteracy Center and ESRM’s Writing Tutorials.
John Spoor Broome Library - Heck yeah, the library has TONS of great resources and services!
Disability and Accommodation Support Services (DASS) assists students with disabilities by providing a wide range of support.
Student Health Services provides outpatient care to CSUCI Students.
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) provides 24/7 support.
(1) Sign into Canvas, (2) Click on ESRM 329, (3) Follow the instructions!
Please note that the course will not officially open until the first day of class on January 23rd. If you are eager to get started early, you can review the syllabus or complete Online Learning 101 (which is required for this course).