At CSUCI, I teach the following courses in the Environmental Science and Resource Management program. (Hyperlinked course titles connect to sample course syllabi.)
Introduction to Environmental Science and Resource Management (ESRM 100)
Principles of Sustainability (ESRM 205)
Environmental Law and Policy (ESRM 329) (or check out the "live syllabus")
Natural History and Resource Management of the California Channel Islands (ESRM 365)
Santa Rosa Island Summer Field Program (1-month intensive program on SRI, includes ESRM 351 & 365)
Land Use Planning and Open Space Management (ESRM 464)
Spring Speaker Series and Seminar (ESRM 496)
Capstone Preparation (ESRM 491)
Capstone (ESRM 499)
Student Research Practicum (UNIV 498-02; e.g., "Coastal Access Equity During the Coronavirus")
N.B., Course syllabi are available to CSUCI community only; otherwise, I am happy to provide them by request.
Observing pinnipeds on Santa Rosa Island with ESRM 351 Field Methods.