For Students

Need to Schedule an Appointment?

I am happy to meet in person. Use this link to schedule a meeting with me during my office hours; note that they are usually different each term (note that you must have "myCI" credentials to access the link. Please email me if you are having access issues).

Want to Get Involved in Research?

If you are interested in the research that I do and how you might get involved, awesome! Please review some of my interests on the main Coastography Lab page and come visit me in my office hours so we can talk about your interests and aspirations.

Alas, CSUCI does offer ESRM graduate programs at this time, though we're working on it!

Question about a Course?

If you are a current, former, or prospective student and you have a question about a course I teach, visit the Courses page for links to course syllabi or shoot me an email.

Need a Letter of Recommendation? Can I be a Reference for you?

If you are a current or former student and you would like to enlist my support as you apply to your next endeavor, please click here for some guidelines as to how I can best help out—note that you must have "myCI" credentials to access the link. Please email me if you are having access issues.

Other ways to connect:

ESRM ZONE (for news, info, events, etc)

d a n . r e i n e m a n  -  a t  -  c s u c i  -  d o t  -  e d u

"When I went back to the sea

it wasn’t waiting.

Neither had it gone away...

I am happy to be home."

- Mary Oliver, The Return, No Voyage and Other Poems, 1963